5 Face Packs Made With Rice Flour That will Definitely Make Your Skin Look Flawless & Radiant!

5 Face Packs Made With Rice Flour That will Definitely Make Your Skin Look Flawless & Radiant!

Skin Care
By kashish on 25 Jul 2019
Digital Editor

It is a tedious task to achieve flawless and glowing skin. We spend thousands of rupees  in buying various skin products, medicines, treatments done in order to achieve naturally beautiful looking skin but it all becomes futile when we end up with skin full of breakouts, dullness and dry patches.


What if we tell you that, while you were busy burning your money by investing in over priced skincare products, we found the most effective ingredient that will help you enhancing the quality of your skin and that too at a very reasonable price! Yes, an ingredient that will help you in getting rid of all skin troubles and will leave you with baby soft and glowing skin. The most shocking part is that the ingredient will be available to you in your kitchen cabinets.

The ingredient is none other than rice flour. Rice is staple in most households and it is full of beneficial qualities be it related to skin or health. Instead of experimenting every new skin care product launched in the market you can simply make face packs using rice flour and other natural ingredients that will not only get rid of all most of your skin problems but will also make your skin look radiant and beautiful.

Rice flour, Gram flour & Honey

waycrazePhoto from waycraze

Mix together 2 tablespoon full of gram flour and rice flour along with 3 tablespoon of honey and form a paste. Apply the face pack for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it with lukewarm water.

These ingredients when mixed together help in clearing the skin by getting rid of all the dead skin cells and hence resulting in soft and glowing skin.

Rice flour & Yogurt


Mix equal parts of rice flour and yogurt and form a paste. Apply it on your skin and let it dry before rinsing it with lukewarm water.

Yogurt and rice flour help in exfoliating the skin and hydrating ti to give it a radiant and smooth look.

Rice flour, Coconut oil, Peppermint Oil & Lemon Juice

boldskyPhoto from boldsky

Mix 1 tablespoon of rice flour with the same amount of lemon juice. Add equal parts of peppermint and coconut oil into the mixture and apply it on your skin for 20 minutes.

While lemon juice cleanses the skin, coconut oil provides hydration and peppermint oil reduces the excess sebum production within the skin and unclogs the pores giving the skin radiant and flawless look.

Rice flour, Tea tree oil & Rose water

Form a paste using one tablespoon of rice flour with one teaspoon of rose water. In the mixture add few drops of tea tree oil and apply the face pack on your skin for 15-20 minutes before washing it off.


Tea tree oil is known to have anti bacterial, anti oxidant and anti inflammation properties. It soothes the angry skin while rose water help in making the skin firm giving it youthful look.

Rice flour, Oats & Honey

preventionPhoto from prevention

Prepare a face pack using one tablespoon of rice flour with one teaspoon of honey, oats and milk. Apply the face pack on your skin and massage it for few minutes before allowing it to rest for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it with lukewarm water then.

While oats help in exfoliating the skin and gets rid of all the impurities, honey hydrates the skin making it soft and supple.



Pictures- waycraze, boldsky, prevention
Text- GirlStyle IN