6 Insane Things People Say When You Don't Wear Kajal For A Day

6 Insane Things People Say When You Don't Wear Kajal For A Day

By Samprita on 23 Jul 2019
Senior Digital Editor
Samprita Kuncolinkar holds a bachelor's degree in English Literature and has been working at GirlStyle India since its inception. She works as a Senior Lifestyle Editor who is deeply in love with all things beauty, fashion, entertainment and lifestyle. Enjoying the online version of the magazine, the genres of her articles keep varying as she loves to move and groove. Apart from her work life, she loves binge-watching Netflix and loves to eat junk food for happiness.

Kajal is definitely a girl's best friend when it comes to rushed makeup routine in the morning and stepping out without it can be the biggest mess of all times.  Sleepy mornings might not always give you the privilege to do a full-face makeup and a perfect hairdo but a stroke of kajal is always there to save you for the day.


Kohl-rimmed eyes are a trademark in the Indian society and its absence even for a day can scare women. A girl is basically never stepping out without it and we can totally relate!

So on those rare days when you step out without wearing a kajal, we are sure the reactions you get are crazy and mind-boggling! If you are a kajal-lover then we bet you'll relate to these comments of people and situations:

Are you sick? You look tired? Are you fine? 

Well, we were totally fine, until you popped this question!

TenorPhoto from Tenor


Whoa! You look so different today.


Ah! Well, yeah added more charm to my look.

TenorPhoto from Tenor


Looks like you are hungover...

No girl, but definitely done with your unnecessary comments.

GiphyPhoto from Giphy


Were you crying all night? :(


Aww, how sweet! That's not so comforting to my already pissed soul.



Tenor Photo from Tenor


Don't tell me you have not taken a shower

*Slow claps* for bringing up this logic!

TenorPhoto from Tenor


Why are your eyes not the same size? 

DAMN people! Kajal has nothing to do with eye flu, small eyes, big eyes or whatever!

RebloggyPhoto from Rebloggy


Picture Credits- Rebloggy, Tenor, Giphy

Feature Image - Instagram

Text By- GirlStyle IN