4 Curly Hair Myths You Need To Stop Believing!
We are on an official myth exposing splurge today and today is the day when we've decided to choose curly hair as our subject. Like it is said and felt by a lot of girls that taking care of curly & frizzy mane is quite a difficult task. The internet is flooding with information in the form of tips, tricks and hair care routines to make them more manageable and naturally straight.
We've realised that one or the other tip is meant to contradict and it again leaves us helpless with no hopes. Wondering how can you be sure? Well, we are about to expose some of the most common curly hair myths!
Photo from Instagram
Myth 1- Avoid washing hair regularly
This is true that no matter what your hair type is, you shouldn't wash your hair every other day. That being said, curly hair needs as the same cleansing as any other hair type. It is completely okay to wash your hair after every 2-3 days if you are including enough moisturising products in your hair care regimen.
Myth 2- Curly hair grows slowly
Photo from lopicar.pw
It may look like that curly hair takes ages to grow, but the truth is that it just takes a longer time to see the difference. The frizz and spirals of curly hair take a longer time to show the visible length. Don't lose hope ladies and be a little more patient, your hair is growing just fine!
Myth 3- Applying conditioner is optional
Photo from beautylish.com
Conditioner is never an optional step even if you have curly hair. In fact, if you are born with curls then you should definitely stock up on conditioners to make your hair behave. A rich nourishing conditioner will add hydration, shine, make it smoother and prevent your hair from getting frizzy.
Myth 4- Accepting unmanageable hair as a part of your life
Photo from Naturally Curly
There is no second thought that curly hair is more prone to tangles & knots but that definitely does not mean that you have to curse your hair or accept it as a part of your life. You can use an oil-based serum on the ends of your hair when your hair is wet to prevent the tangles and add shine and moisture to the lengths of your hair.
Picture Credits- beautylish.com, Instagram, Naturally Curly, lopicar.pw
Text by- GirlStyle IN