'Mom, Happy Married Life': This Kerala Boy's Post For His Mother's Second Marriage Will Surely Touch Your Heart

'Mom, Happy Married Life': This Kerala Boy's Post For His Mother's Second Marriage Will Surely Touch Your Heart

By Samprita on 14 Jun 2019
Senior Digital Editor
Samprita Kuncolinkar holds a bachelor's degree in English Literature and has been working at GirlStyle India since its inception. She works as a Senior Lifestyle Editor who is deeply in love with all things beauty, fashion, entertainment and lifestyle. Enjoying the online version of the magazine, the genres of her articles keep varying as she loves to move and groove. Apart from her work life, she loves binge-watching Netflix and loves to eat junk food for happiness.

Divorce is still considered a stigma in India. While men may not have to face the stress imposed by society for a broken relationship, women are subjected to judgment and are still dishonoured. However, we encountered something on the internet recently, that restored our faith in humanity. This post shared by a boy in Kerela made us believe that we may be entering into a brighter and better future for women.


This young man, an engineer by profession is winning hearts all over the internet with an emotional post for his mother. Gokul Sreedhar shared a heartwarming post on Facebook for his mother's second marriage, wishing her all the best for her journey in life.

FacebookPhoto from Facebook

Apart from that, in his post, he also questioned the society on why they do not support or welcome such unions with an open heart, instead of being judgemental towards everyone.

The post is in his mother tongue Malayalam and it now can be seen all over the social media. The post is being shared for all the right reasons and we couldn't agree more with this young fellow!

Here's what he wrote:

It was my mother's wedding. I thought a lot whether to write such a note. Because it is still the time when a lot of people still cannot accept a second marriage. Those eyes filled with suspicion, pity and hate, please don't look here. Even if you look, no one will melt here. A woman who has changed her whole life for me. She has suffered a lot in the disastrous marriage. After getting beaten, when blood dripped from her forehead, I have often asked her why she tolerated it. I remember her telling me that she was willing to suffer for my sake as she was living for me.  That day when I left the house with her, I had decided that very moment. My mother, who set aside her entire youth for me, has a lot of dreams and heights to conquer. I have nothing more to say. I realised that this is something does not need to be kept hidden

Mother, Happy Married Life."

We were all teary-eyed after reading this letter. We are extremely proud of this young man for loving & supporting his mother.


Picture Credits - Facebook

Text By- GirlStyle IN