5 Ways To Use Tomatoes For Achieving Flawless & Amazing Skin!!

5 Ways To Use Tomatoes For Achieving Flawless & Amazing Skin!!

Skin Care
By kashish on 11 Jun 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Using natural products for beauty has become a major trend for people these days. Its a common occurrence for you to see beauty products available in the market that are infused with the goodness of natural products like aloe vera, walnuts, lemon extracts, etc. It cannot be denied that using all those beauty products are super beneficial and the results are visible as well but nothing beats the effect of using the natural products itself for better and fastest results.


Using natural products directly for skin and hair are always recommended more than using the beauty products with their extracts because natural products do not have additional chemicals infused with them and the chances of suffering side effects in less to minimal. Also the fact that home remedies are comparatively more cheaper and affordable cannot be ignored. Just the way natural ingredients like walnuts, eggs, aloe vera, fuller earth are beneficial to skin in the similar way tomatoes are also full of skincare benefits. They are rich in vitamins and minerals that not only heal skin problems but also enhance the texture and appearences.

Take a look at some ways how tomatoes can benefit your skin.

Reduces pigmentation 

india.comPhoto from india.com

Tomatoes when mixed with milk and potatoes are known as best bleaching agents. They help in getting rid of tan and pigmentation from skin.

Mix together pulp of one tomato with the juice of 1/2 potato. Apply the mixture on your skin and leave it for 15 minutes before washing it off with cool water. You can repeat this ready twice or thrice a week for best results.

Gives glowing skin


When mixed together yogurt, tomatoes and honey make skin smoother, firmer and radiant. They also hydrate the skin and lightens the skin tone.

In a bowl mix together pulp of one tomato, one tablespoon honey and one tablespoon of yogurt.Apply this paste on your face for 20 minutes before rinsing with cool water. You will achieve radiant and flawless skin within no time.

Heals suntan

mybeautynaturallyPhoto from mybeautynaturally

Vitamin c is present in lemon, tomato and ink yogurt. It helps the skin by lightening the skin tone and gets rid of suntan. Lactic acid present in yogurt also improves the texture of the skin.

Mix together one tablespoon of yogurt, lemon juice with two tablespoon of tomato juice and apply the mixture on all the tanned areas and allow it to get dry for 30 minutes. Wash it off with cool water. You can repeat this process twice a week to receive instant results.

Reduces excess oil

Tomato is known to have astringent properties that helps in getting rid of all the dead cells and dirt from the skin all while reducing the size of the pores, when used along with sugar.

Mix the pulp of one tomato with a tablespoon of sugar and use it as an exfoliant on your skin. Massage it on your skin for 10 minutes before rinsing it.  You must follow the process on weekly basis to be able to see the desired results.

Reduces Wrinkles

folder.pkPhoto from folder.pk

When mixed with olive oil, tomatoes are known to make skin softer and firmer. The anti oxidants present in both the products helps in reducing the wrinkles and fine lines.

Mix one tablespoon of tomato juice with 10 drops of olive oil and massage it thoroughly on your skin. Allow it to rest on skin for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it.


Pictures- india.com, folder.pk, mybeautynaturally
Text- GirlStyle IN