5 DIY Papaya Face Masks That Can Help You In Getting Rid From All Your Facial Hair!!

5 DIY Papaya Face Masks That Can Help You In Getting Rid From All Your Facial Hair!!

Skin Care
By kashish on 28 May 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

The biggest issue that most women deal with is to get rid of all the facial hair. They make even the most flawless face look untidy and are easily visible even from miles away. There are various methods to get rid of all the facial hair but they are not permanent and hair grow back again after few days. Threading and waxing does help in getting rid of facial hair for few days but they are extremely painful and sometimes damages the skin, using epilators or razor is even more harmful for they can cause serious cuts and there are chances that hair that will grow back will be thick and stronger. The last option is bleach the face but not only does it not gets rid of hair but it can cause skin to get burned or develop rash.


In situation like these when we have desperate urge to get rid of facial hair and no method is good enough, the best option is to opt for natural remedy for long lasting event and n side effect. You must have heard how different fruits are used for making natural face masks and packs as they help in making skin look healthy and radiant. Papaya is one of those beneficial fruits that can help in getting rid of facial hair permanently. It contains an element called papain which helps in breaking down the hair follicles thus preventing the hair from regrowing.

Not only papaya helps in getting rid of facial hair but the anti-oxidants present in the fruits make skin look radiant. It gets rid of all the blemishes, cools down the skin and makes it look clearer and cleaner. There are various ways you can use papaya for beauty purposes but today we will share with you 5 super easy Diy face masks that you can prepare at your homes within no time and use them to get rid of all the facial hair.

Milk & Raw Papaya face mask

pinterestPhoto from pinterest

Mix two tablespoons of grated raw papaya with one tablespoon full of milk and apply the mask on your face for half an hour. Moist your fingers with water and slowly rub them on top of your face mask. Once you face mask gets moist on your face, wash it with water. You must do it at least twice a week to see results soon.

Milk not helps in skin whitening but the lactic acid helps in peeling off the layer of dead skin making it look cleaner and healthier.

Aloe Vera, Gram Flour, Turmeric & Raw Papaya face mask


204parkPhoto from 204park

Make a paste using two tablespoons of mashed raw papaya, two tablespoon of ale vera gel, two tablespoon of gram flour and one teaspoon of turmeric. Apply the face mask on your face and leave it to rest for 30 minutes before washing it off with water.

All these ingredients work together to get rid of hair from your face even the stubborn ones and make you resin glow. This mask has no side effect and can be used alternatively if not on daily basis.

Mustard Oil & Raw Papaya face mask

diyhomethingsPhoto from diyhomethings

Mix two tablespoon of mustard oil with two tablespoon of raw papaya, gram flour and teaspoon of turmeric. Apply the paste on your skin and leave it to get dry. Once the mask has dried use your moist fingers to rub the mask on your face and wash it off with cool water.

Mustard oil is really good for skin as it makes the skin look radiant and helps in relaxation. You can apply this mask twice a week to see the results.

Raw Papaya & Turmeric face mask


stylecrazePhoto from stylecraze

Mix together two tablespoon of mashed raw papaya along with half tablespoon of turmeric. Apply the paste on your face and let it work its magic for 15 mins before you wash it off.

Papaya and turmeric are both rich in anti oxidants and are anti inflammatory as well. They seep into the skin to get rid of facial hair and make the skin look flawless.You can apply this mask two to three times a week for best results.

Gram Flour & Papaya face mask

glamoroccoPhoto from glamorocco

Using two tablespoons of gram flour mashed papaya prepare your face mask and apply it on your face for 20 minutes before washing it off.

Gram flour and papaya both reduce the hair growth on the face and eventually get rid of all the facial hair for once and for all. Gram flour also works as an exfoliant and helps in removing dead skin cells and black heads making the face look Clea and healthy.




Pictures- pinterest, 204park, diyhomethings, stylecraze, glamorocco
Text- GirlStyle IN