6 Hair & Makeup Tips To Keep In Mind While Prepping For Date Nights!!

6 Hair & Makeup Tips To Keep In Mind While Prepping For Date Nights!!

By kashish on 14 May 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Getting ready for date or romantic evening is a lovely experience. There are thousand emotions girls feel during those moments. There are butterflies in the tummy, fuzzy feelings in heart and its hard to not smile and laugh at the thought of being able to spend time with loved one. It is not an easy task to find the perfect outfit and to decide the best hair and makeup looks. In all the nervousness to look best people loose grasp on the reality and tend to go over the top with their looks which can be unappealing.


Date nights are the opportunity to know the opposite person in better way and understand them and the best way to dress up according to the occasion is to be the best version of yourself and not some Malibu barbie. The best way to dress up for date night is to look natural with the hint of glamour. Take a look at some of the hair and makeup tips that you should keep in mind while prepping yourself.

Do not get a dramatic haircut or hair colour

herstylerPhoto from herstyler

Do not opt for some drastic hair change. Hair changes are easiest to notice and you don't want to look different from the time when he asked you date. You don't want go unrecognised and shock your date with drastic changes.

Moisturise & do not go overboard with perfume

photoiconsPhoto from photoicons

After shower before you start to get ready for date do not forget to moisturise yourself. The last thing your want for your date, is to notice how dry or dehydrated your skin looks. Smelling good is highly attractive quality and after moisturising yourself do not forget to sprit some perfume on yourself. But remember to not go overboard with the fragrance. Too much perfume can definitely be annoying.


Do not get facial before date

markdecosPhoto from markdecos

It is suggested to not get facial on the day of date or a day before.Sometime facial causes skin to develop breakouts and you do not want to go on a date with a mountain like pimple or acne n your face.

Don't go for dramatic makeup look

hudabeautyPhoto from hudabeauty

Always remember while getting ready for date do not opt for over the top looks. Its just a date, keep it neutral and classy unless you go for bold lips, vibrant nails and popping eye makeup look everyday. Keep makeup light and don't opt for bold lip colours. Bold lip colours tend to intimidate people. It's a date not MET Gala.

Perfect your base makeup

weheartitPhoto from weheartit

The secret behind best makeup looks is the perfect base makeup. Keep your base makeup neutral and opt for dewy look. Some foundation, concealer, highlighter and powder will do. Don't add layers of foundation on your face, cake-y makeup looks are not appreciated much.

Keep in mind about the date theme

allurePhoto from allure

Always keep in mind about the location of date while getting ready. You don't want to look over the top or too extreme. A dress and messy bun won't look good for a date in carnival and neither will a pair of denims with sneakers, pony tail and popping lip colour look good on dinner table.



Pictures- herstyler, photoicons, markdecos, hudabeauty, weheartit, allure
Text- GirlStyle IN