5 DIY Body Scrubs You Can Easily Prepare For Soft & Glowing Skin!!

5 DIY Body Scrubs You Can Easily Prepare For Soft & Glowing Skin!!

Skin Care
By kashish on 23 Apr 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

One common habit that most of us religious follow is to moisturise our skin on regular basis to prevent it from looking dry and flakey. Hydrating skin is one of the most important step in the process of skincare routine. You cannot take care of skin without hydrating it properly. As important as moisturising our skin is another equally important part of skincare routine is exfoliating it. Exfoliating helps in making skin look soft, flawless and glowing.


It is common for our skin to get tanned during summers no matter how much sunscreen we apply. Along with the tan there are other factors like dust, pollution, dehydrating that cause the skin to become rough, dull and flakey. The best way to make sure that these factors do not cause any permanent damage to the skin and its texture, is by exfoliating it on weekly basis minimum to get rid of all the dead skin cells that get accumulated over time. Once there are no dead skin cells on our body our skin looks clean, flawless, becomes supple and starts to glow.

There are various different brands across the market selling various different body scrubs but the problem is that they are super expensive and contain chemicals that cause the skin to develop rash and so the best way to deal with this issue is by preparing home-made scrub. Homemade scrub is prepared using natural ingredients and does not cause any harm to the skin. It does not cost much and can be stored for future uses as well.

Take a look at 5 Diy body scrubs that you can prepare easily at your abode in just few minutes without much hassle.

Lemon, Sugar & Coconut Oil Body Scrub

soulfullymadePhoto from soulfullymade

Mix together few teaspoons full of sugar along with lemon juice, lemon zest and some coconut oil together until it becomes a thick paste. Use the scrub to exfoliate your body thoroughly and wash it.

Lemon will help in getting rid of tan from the skin while coconut oil will help in hydrating skin and sugar will get rid of all the dead skin cells.


Coffee & Sugar Body Scrub

everminePhoto from evermine

Mix together equal parts of coffee and sugar along with some coconut or olive oil till it gets paste like consistency. Then apply it on your skin and rub it vigorously in your skin for few minutes before washing it off.

Sugar and coffee granules will help in getting rid of all the dead skin and flakes from the skin while oil will prevent the skin from getting dry or developing rash. Coffee also helps in getting rid of cellulite from the body.

Sea Salt & Olive Oil Body Scrub

PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

Take coarse sea salt and mix it with olive oil to form a scrub. Apply it on your body and massage it properly for few minutes.

Seas salt and oil will rejuvenate the skin along with getting rid of tanning and dead skin cells and make the skin glow.


Lavender Body Scrub

savynaturalista.comPhoto from savynaturalista.com

It is one of the most popular scrub and you will fall in love with it. Mix equal parts of salt and sugar together. In it add few drops of almond oil and lavender oil along with some lavender if available. Massage the scrub thoroughly on the skin and wash it off will lukewarm water later.


The sweet smelling oils will hydrate the skin while making glow and give skin natural fragrance whereas sugar and salt with exfoliate all the dirt away from the skin.

Banana & Sugar Body Scrub

skincareallwomenstalkPhoto from skincareallwomenstalk

Mix together a mashed banana with few teaspoons of sugar and few drops of essential oil of your choice. Massage it well on your skin and wash it off with lukewarm water.

While sugar helps in exfoliating the skin, banana will make your skin soft and supple and make it glow.





Pictures- soulfullymade, Pinterest, savynaturalista.com, skincareallwomenstalk, evermine
Text- GirlStyle IN