7  Major Tips To Tackle Intense Summer Heat Without Causing Any Trouble To Your Skin!!

7 Major Tips To Tackle Intense Summer Heat Without Causing Any Trouble To Your Skin!!

Skin Care
By kashish on 04 Apr 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

As much as we all love summer and the opportunity to have fun in pool parties, the season is not about getting tanned or enjoying drinks. In addition to regular transition of clothes, footwear and food, it is important to tweak our skincare routine as well. Just the way we have different wardrobes for different seasons in the similar fashion we need to have different skin care routine for different seasons to keep our skin healthy and flawless.


When it comes to summer season, one thing that everyone should keep in mind is the fact that our skin becomes even more vulnerable during summers and there are high chances of getting allergies or breakouts. Strict skincare routine should be followed during summers to  ensure healthy skin. The best part is that during summers less is more and same goes for your skin care, you don't have to do much to keep it healthy but it is important tot pay attention to what all you do during skincare.

Take a look at few do's and don'ts of skincare during summer season.

Douse yourself with sunscreen

centralfloridalifestylePhoto from centralfloridalifestyle

During summer season, no one or nothing should be more important to you than sunscreen.  Do not go anywhere with carrying your sunscreen with you. Slather your skin with sunscreen to prevent sun burns and unwanted sun tans. And most importantly do not forget to re-apply sunscreen after every 3 hours as the sunscreens get absorbed by the skin in 3 hours, leaving your skin vulnerable.

Don't take hot showers

inertiawillhurtyaPhoto from inertiawillhurtya


For people who like to loosen up their sore and tired muscles and take hot showers for that, remember that hot showers do no good to your skin during summers. They cause the skin to get dehydrated and can be harmful if you spend time under sun. Take cool showers and do not bath more than twice in a day.


huffingtonpostPhoto from huffingtonpost

Moisturise your body and face everyday without a miss. The sun causes the skin to dehydrate and look bad. Apply moisturiser the moment you come out of shower on semi wet skin and let your skin absorb it all.

Swap into light weight skin creams

theindependentPhoto from theindependent

During winters most of us use thick and oil based cold creams to keep our skin soft and moisturised but the same won't work during summer season and you might end up with breakouts or some other skin problem. During summer season try to go for oil free moisturisers that hydrate the skin without making it excessively oily or clogging pores.

Use oil free & lightweight foundations


allurePhoto from allure

Just like moisturisers, our makeup foundations also contain oil and can form a thick layer on skin which prevents the skin from breathing and thus causes breakouts. Apply water based, light weight tinted foundation which serve their purpose without looking heavy or clogging pores.

Sooth your skin with aloe vera

bustlePhoto from bustle

Staying under sun causes loads of damage to skin and the best way is to smooth skin naturally by using aloe vera gel. It is natural, anti-inflammatory and provides cooling sensation to the skin. Make it a common routine to apply aloe vera gel everyday before sleeping to provide relief to the skin.

Wash your face frequently

naturalmamasPhoto from naturalmamas

During summer Eason we tend to sweat a lot and that sweat causes the dust particles to stick to the skin and cause skin problems. Also rubbing sweaty face leads to rash and flammation. Therefore always remember to wash your face frequently using cold water on regular intervals in order to get rid of sweat and cool your face down.



Pictures- centralfloridalifestyle, inertiawillhurtya, huffingtonpost, theindependent, allure, bustle, naturalmamas
Text- GirlStyle IN