7 Simple Remedies That Can Help You In Getting Rid From Itchy & Dry Scalp!!

7 Simple Remedies That Can Help You In Getting Rid From Itchy & Dry Scalp!!

By kashish on 20 Mar 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Summers have almost begun and while we all love to enjoy eating ice lollies or relax under air conditioning, there is one trouble that most of us go through and it is none other than itchy and dry scalp. It is common during summers for itchiness and dryness to develop in scalp which not only causes irritation but also leads to excessive hair fall. No matter what haircare products we use, it is extremely hard to get rid of this problem.


The best and the only way to get rid of all the itchiness and dryness is to opt for home remedies. Home remedies are more beneficial and safe than using chemical induced expensive products available in the market.  If you are aware with your skin texture and hair problem then instead of wasting your time and money by investing in some expensive products it is better that you are the use of most basic things available in your kitchen and prepare yourself full proof solution to your problem.

Usually itchiness in the scalp is caused due to the dry skin which can be the result of dandruff or psoriasis. All the dryness and itchiness leads to excessive hair fall. Take a look at some of the simple remedies that you can prepare at home and save yourself from dandruff, itchiness and dry scalp.

Lemon Juice

dailyvanityPhoto from dailyvanity

Apply lemon juice with cotton ball all over your scalp for 10 minutes and wash your hair.

Lemon has anti bacterial properties that gets rid of all the dandruff causing microbial. You can do this once in every week.

Tea Tree Oil


homeremedyhacksPhoto from homeremedyhacks

Apply tea tree oil on your scalp just the way your apply oil. Apply the oil over night and wash it during morning.

Tea tree oil soothes and hydrates the scalp thus reducing dryness and itchiness. You can repeat the process twice and thrice a week.

Aloe Vera

corpofinoPhoto from corpofino

Take a aloe vera leaf and apply the gel extracting from it directly on your scalp for 15 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water.

Aloe vera gel is anti-inflammatory, has antimicrobial and soothing properties. It hydrates the scalp and soothes it preventing all the dryness and itchiness.

Argan Oil


arganoilworldPhoto from arganoilworld

Take some organ oil and massage it in your scalp. Leave it over night and wash it next day.

Argan oil hydrates and nourishes the scalp providing relief from itchiness. It is also used to cure psoriasis.

Baking Soda

healthlinePhoto from healthline

Make a paste using 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda and water. Apply the paste on your scalp and also it to rest for 10-15 minutes before washing it off.

Baking soda is antibacterial, anti fungal and antimicrobial. It not restores the ph balance on the scalp but it also helps in getting rid of all the bacteria and fungus that cause dandruff, dryness and itchiness.



dryscalpPhoto from dryscalp

Dilute 1/2 cup of listerine by mixing it with 1/2 cup of water and apply the mixture on the scalp and massage it for couple of minutes. Allow it to stay of the scalp for 5 minutes before washing it off.

Listerine is antiseptic and antimicrobial. It helps in getting rid of all the bacteria and germs from the scalp thus putting an halt to all the dryness and itchiness.


Apple Cider Vinegar

bodyandsoulPhoto from bodyandsoul

Make a solution using one part apple cider vinegar and four parts of water, pour it over your scalp and massage. Wash it after few minutes.

Apple cider vinegar yet again has antibacterial and anti fungal properties. It gets rid of all the accumulated dry cells along with the bacteria that cause itchiness and dandruff.



Pictures-dailyvanity, homeremedyhacks, corpofino, arganoilworld, healthline, bodyandsoul
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