List of 20 Beauty Related Lessons Every Women In Her 20's Should Be Aware With!

List of 20 Beauty Related Lessons Every Women In Her 20's Should Be Aware With!

By kashish on 20 Mar 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

The most glorious years of life are when you are in your 20's. They are full of promises of better health, energy and skin. No you do not develop healthy skin, of get burst of positive energy or get boost of immunity but if you work hard to gain all these things then you achieve them easily. The best way to make most of those glorious years is to follow strict skincare or beauty regime that helps in making your skin flawless, clear and radiant and by doing all that you can also slow down any early signs of ageing.


You must have heard countless times that it is important to take care of skin the moment you enter your mid teenage years. But some people tend to start the process a little late when during their 20's when they start observing the negative effects of their negligence and some people even more late, during their 30's.

Tattoo one important fact in your mind that your skin is not like diamond, it won't last forever without getting damaged or getting scarred. In order to maintain. the youthful glow and flawless features you must stop with negligence and start following proper skincare routine that includes dealing with all skin issues and pampering your skin. Take a look at 20 beauty lessons that you must strictly follow to preserve your skin in the best possible way.

It's never to early to start with Anti-Ageing Beauty Regime

Always hydrate your Hands & Feet

healthlinePhoto from healthline

Exfoliate on weekly basis

Moisturise your Lips regularly


thecutPhoto from thecut

Do not fidget with your skin

Cool your face using Face Mists

beautymnlPhoto from beautymnl

Get your hair trim after every 4-6 weeks

Make sunscreen your bff

qsunPhoto from qsun

Hydrate your under arms


Moisturise your face every single day without a beat

ivyauPhoto from ivyau

Pay attention to your whole body while doing skincare routine and not just face

Your skin types under goes changes during your 20's make sure to find the perfect skin cleanser for yourself

webmdPhoto from webmd

Hydrate yourself, do not be lazy and start working out, maintain a proper healthy diet

Splurge on Anti-Oxidant serums to improve your skin texture

comspolitanPhoto from comspolitan


Sleeping for 7-8 hours is important do not compromise your resting hours for any other activity

Do not forget to remove makeup before you sleep

allindiabloggingPhoto from allindiablogging

Pay attention to your nails and take care of them. Trim, buff, file and hydrate them

Do not wash your hair regularly for you will end up loosing all the natural oils

hairscalpPhoto from hairscalp

Remove makeup from your skin softly without rubbing your skin roughly

Let your hair dry naturally instead of blow drying them.

StylecrazePhoto from Stylecraze




Pictures-healthline, ivyau, beautymnl, qsun, webmd, comspolitan, allindiablogging, hairscalp, Stylecraze
Text- GirlStyle IN