Blake Lively's Twist On A Sophisticated Pantsuit

Blake Lively's Twist On A Sophisticated Pantsuit

Hot Topics Style Fashion News
By Shivani Yadav on 23 Aug 2018

Blake Lively has been having quite a week, at least on fashion terms. After giving us 5 crazy promotional looks last weekend and another look at the VMAs that took place two days ago, she stepped out again in a pastel pink pantsuit that has the entire internet going crazy all over again.


CelebMafiaPhoto from CelebMafia

CelebMafiaPhoto from CelebMafia

CelebMafiaPhoto from CelebMafia

CelebMafiaPhoto from CelebMafia

This look is different because while it's not Lady Gaga level crazy, she still brought her own little twist with shredded or roughed-up ensemble. The suit is visibly short too but because that was deliberate, it worked perfectly. Also, the white blouse simply beautiful. And those oxford shoes were like an icing on the cake.


CelebMafiaPhoto from CelebMafia

TomAndLorenzoPhoto from TomAndLorenzo

Blake always have something new to offer and that is what makes her fashion style so lovable. You don't have to like her looks everytime, but you can never accuse her of being boring.



Photos : CelebMafia and TomAndLorenzo
Text : GirlStyle IN