"If you are seeing this then I'm probably dead"- The curious case of Lost Princess

"If you are seeing this then I'm probably dead"- The curious case of Lost Princess

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By kashish on 02 Aug 2018
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Latifa bint Mohamed Al Maktoum II (32) is the  member of Dubai royal family and an Emirati Princess.She is the daughter of the Ruler of Dubai and the Prime Minister of UAE, Emir Mohammed bint Rashid bint Al Maktoum and his Algerian wife Huriah Ahmed Al Máash.The Princess has been reportedly missing since 5th March, 2018 while travelling in a yacht "Nostromo" belonging to her French/American friend Herve Jaubert along with her her Finnish friend Tiina Jauhiainen from Oman to India.


Pic Credit- Dailymail.ukPhoto from Dailymail.uk

According to her friends, their yacht was intercepted near 50 miles of Goa by ICAS Shoor, Emirati Special Forces and two unidentified speed boats. All the crew members of the yacht were reportedly tied up, blindfolded and beaten. The Princess was unwillingly taken to the warship for travelling back to UAE, despite her claimimg to have taken an asylum in India while the rest of the crew was taken to the naval base in Fujairah.

Pic Credit- 60 minutePhoto from 60 minute

On 11th March a video made by the princess went viral. The video was made by the princess before her attempt to escape and was supposed to be released in case her life was in grave danger. In the video the princess shared the details about herself and her life. Princess Latifa shared the details about her family background, explaining her decision to run away, her father's maltreatment towards herself and her family, his Death Squad and his alleged  killing of  the members from the royal family .

Pic Credits-centralnews.comPhoto from centralnews.com

The Princess left her last voice mail to her attorney Radha Sterling where she was extremely panicked and was asking for help, telling that there were men outside. The gunshouts could be heard in the background.


There has been no official repsonse on the matter from UAE or any member of the Royal Family. Following the couple of months hen the Gulf Media did not raise the issue, the western media stepped in and asked about the clarity on the matter. The Human Rights Watch asked Dubai authorities to release the information about the wherebouts of Princess. Since no further details has been spared on the entire case, the Princess status has been qualified as Enforced Disappearance. Efforts have been made to find the status about the Princess but it has been believed to be herculean task since everybody related to the case have been very tight lipped.

Pic Credit- Dailymail, Centralnews, 60minutes
Text By- Girlstyle IN