7 DIY Remedies To Help You Get Rid Of Dandruff For Once & All!

7 DIY Remedies To Help You Get Rid Of Dandruff For Once & All!

By kashish on 04 Jan 2019
Digital Editor

Small white flakes on shoulder and scalp can be pretty annoying and these annoying white flakes that reduce sex appeal are known as dandruff. Occurred mainly due to the fungus infecting the scalp, dandruff cause itchiness, dryness and formation of white flakes. These small flakes are basically dead skin cells that cover scalp and when they start increasing they fall on shoulder and clothes and makes one look unappealing.


Even though one can consult the doctor and follow medical procedure to get rid of dandruff, it is better to find the permanent remedies at home. The simple remedies to get rid of dandruff at home won't cause any side-effects and will be definitely cheaper than consulting doctors.  Take a look at some of the best and cheapest DIY home remedies to get rid of dandruff permanently.

Baking Soda & Lemon

brimtPhoto from brimt

Baking soda and lemon help in controlling the fungus that leads to the production of dandruff on the scalp.

Mix 3 tablespoons full of lemon juice and baking soda together and apply the paste on the scalp  for at least 10 minutes or until it starts itching. Wash the paste from the hair and then condition them. It is will definitely put a full stop on dandruff.

Listerine Mouthwash

koolPhoto from kool


The anti bacterial qualities in Listerine will help in reducing dandruff causing fungi.

Dilute a tablespoon full of Listerine with 9 tablespoon of water and pour it on hair after you have finished shampoo and conditioning and carry on with your normal hair routine. Soon you will see the difference.

Tea Tree Oil

leaftvPhoto from leaftv

Tea tree oil has anti fungal, anti-inflammation and antiseptic properties which help in not only treating dandruff but also reducing dry and itchiness from the scalp.

Mix few drops of organic tea tree oil with your regular shampoo and massage thoroughly. Leave it on for 5 minutes before washing it off. You can do this process frequently or as many time as you like and eventually you will see the difference.

Banana & Apple Cider Vinegar

stylecrazePhoto from stylecraze


Apple cider vinegar have anti fungal properties while banana is rich in vitamin B. Acv will get rid of dandruff causing fungus and vitamin B will make the strong, hydrated and nourish it.

Mix one mashed banana with two cups of apple cider vinegar and apple the paste on your scalp for at least 20 minutes before washing it off. You should apply this hair pack at leats once a week continuously to see the best results.


medscapePhoto from medscape

Aspirin is know to treat dandruff with all its salicylate properties along with exfoliating the scalp.

Crush two tablets of aspirin and mix it in your regular shampoo and apply. Allow the scalp to absorb it for few minutes before washing it.

Multani Mitti (Fuller's Earth)

barkatbazaarPhoto from barkatbazaar

Lemon and fuller earth help in treating dandruff by getting rid of all the dirt, oil and grease from the scalp.

Mix 2-3 tablespoon lemon juice with water and 1 cup fuller's earth. Apply and leave the paste for 20 minutes before washing hair properly.


sciencedailyPhoto from sciencedaily

Salt works as an excellent scrub and helps in exfoliating all the dead skin cells and flakes from the scalp.

Take few tablespoon of salt and rub it thoroughly on the scalp until all the dead cells are scraped, wash your hair afterwards.


Pictures- science daily, brimt, Kool, medscape, barkatbazaar, stylecraze, leaftv,
Text- GirlStyle IN