9 Games To Make Your House Party Extremely Fun!!

9 Games To Make Your House Party Extremely Fun!!

By kashish on 13 Oct 2018
Digital Editor

House parties are the way to bring all the busy friends and siblings under one roof and have fun. Theses kind of parties are always fun and crazy, entertaining and great.  But nowadays house parties are loosing their vibes and fun elements due to mobile phones. Almost everybody is busy in either using their cellphones or clicking selfies. The only way to get rid of this cellphone sickness during parties is by engaging people in games that are unusual and enjoyable. Take a look at 9 of such games that can make your party more interesting and lively.



stephdokinPhoto from stephdokin

The best way to kill two birds with one stone is by engaging all your guests is by playing PubG. The game is rage nowadays among people and your guest won't leave this opportunity to play PubG and have loads of fun. In this way they will be able to use their cellphones and even be able to enjoy the party.

Drunk Jenga

PinterestPhoto from Pinterest

A game of Drunk Jenga will definitely make your house party more interesting and lively. It is a game played with 54 blocks that are to be arranged on top of one another. The twist in the game of drunk jenga is that every block will have a task written on it and if someone causes the tower to break then they will have to complete the task written on that particular block.



thecitystoryPhoto from thecitystory

The ever classic and everybody's favorite game can not be left behind. Tambola is the shining star of any party or get  together. You can bid money or chips to play tambola and the winner takes it all!

Joint At Hip

todayPhoto from today

It is the perfect ice breaker for all your shy and new guests. In this game everybody write the name of different body parts on chits and then pairs are made and chits are picked out. After that the pair need to stay joined at those body parts as written on their chits for as long as they can and people are out of the game when they are not able to stay together. The last one to stay joined together wins.

Never Have I Ever

partygamesPhoto from partygames

Never have I ever is just the perfect game to know more about your friend's hidden secrets. This game brings out the wild, crazy and daring sides of your friends.  In this game you have to share something that you have never done before and those who take the sip of their drinks, agree on having done that particular thing and the cycle goes on.


Bite The Bag

pinterestPhoto from pinterest

One of the most interesting games played during house parties is Bite the Bag. In this a paper bag is kept on the floor and the guest have to pick that bag up using their mouths without touching it with their hands by standing on one leg. It is fun to watch your drunken friends trying to find their center of gravity!

Beer Pong

thehangarsa.comPhoto from thehangarsa.com

Beer Pong is a must have game in house parties. It is the best game to get your friends drunken and let loose. It is a challenging game which engages your guests and makes the atmosphere of the party chill and entertaining. Drunken-ness tends to increase competitiveness.


vathemes.comPhoto from vathemes.com

Uno is extremely relaxing game that can be continued all night long. It is competitive, engaging and unpredictable. The game has so many twist and turns that it hard to bet on any single player. Everybody is busy in making strategies, hiding their cards and planning their next action. Sufficient to say that no friend of your's will want the party to end as long as the game is being played.


peimagazinePhoto from peimagazine

No party can be complete without the most common and old game of Truth and Dare. The game can be played in regular common fashion or it can be tweaked by adding an extra element of booze in it. Every time some one picks truth they need to take a sip of their drink. It makes the game more interesting because after few rounds your drunk friends will start spilling their secrets!

Pictures- peimagazine, vathemes.com, thehangarasa.com, partygames, pinterest, today, thecitystory, stephdokin
Text- GirlStyle IN