4 Things You Must Do To Detox Your Skin & Prep It For Summers!!

4 Things You Must Do To Detox Your Skin & Prep It For Summers!!

Skin Care
By kashish on 12 Mar 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

We are half way through March and have already bid goodbye to winter season. Its time to enjoy this cosy spring weather while it lasts before we have to deal with harsh summer season. The summers in India have never been forgiving and while we can go and enjoy some summer vacation to a beautiful hill side, it is a luxury that not everyone gets. It is a known fact that with changing seasons we have to change our diet and skin retune to remain healthy both internally and externally.


Summer means harsh sunlight and strong uv rays. The higher time you spend outdoors, the higher are the chances of skin damage. The more we consume sugary and alcohol included drinks and along with junk food , the higher the chances of breakouts and other skin issues. But do not fret for we are sharing with you few tips that you can follow to not only detox your skin but also make it ready to fight against harsh summer season, take a look.

Food for face

daily expressPhoto from daily express

It is said that our skin reflects what we eat and it is extremely true, therefore we should make sure to eat healthy things that can make our face glow and look flawless. In order to maintain healthy skin it important that we consume loads of vitamins and minerals that can help in boosting the production of collagen and enzymes.  It is suggested to consume vitamin and mineral rich food items and avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol.

Skin cleansing

tulaPhoto from tula

Our skin becomes storehouse of dirt, pollution and other bacterias that can cause it harm when we do not clean our skin on regular basis and specially when weather changes. It is important to get facials for boosting blood flow, scrubs and exfoliators to get rid of all the dirt and dead skin and skin masks to keep skin glowing and healthy.


voicee Photo from voicee

Workout benefits not only body but skin as well. The more you workout the higher are the chances of your face getting into shape and getting rid of toxins from the skin due to sweat build up.


india.comPhoto from india.com

It is common for body to lose water due to perspiration, excretion and breathing. Therefore make a habit to consume loads of water so that you form of habit due the same during summers, in order to stay hydrated. The less you are hydrated the higher the chances of skin problems will be there. Along with that do not forget your saviour in the bottle also known as moisturiser. It will prevent face become dry and ageing pre-maturely.

Pictures-daily express, tula, india.com, voicee
Text- GirlStyle IN